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Birthing With Sound
A euphoric birthing experience with sound.
​Birthing With Sound is the modality that weaves together the sounds and vibrations of vocal toning and crystal singing bowls. Inviting this modality into your sacred birthing space creates a relaxing and beautiful atmosphere to birth in. It also creates the most inviting environment for your baby to be born into.
Investment Includes
Two in-person visits to practice the Birthing With Sound techniques.
(Breathwork, vocal toning & how to play the crystal singing bowl of your choice)
One virtual meeting to answer any final questions you may have before your birth.
Rental of one crystal singing bowl of your choice to use during your birth.
*Does not include doula support.*
​​What is vocal toning?
Vocal toning is when you take in a nice big deep breath and slowly exhale your breath while making a low vibrational sound.
What are the benefits of vocal toning?
Release of hormones... Vocal toning helps to release an abundance of all those amazing birthing hormones... Oxytocin, Endorphins and Serotonin.
Increased oxygen levels... Vocal toning helps to increase the length and depth of our breath, allowing an increase of oxygen to you and your baby. When taking in a new breath, and slowly letting it go with a low vibratory tone, your body and your baby are more able to take in that oxygen, allowing for better circulation. By aligning with this pattern of breath, it releases anxiety and creates a safe space for you and baby. While there is no right or wrong way to breathe during labor, it is important not to hold the breath as this creates more tension in the body and increases the sensation of pain.
Naturally manage pain... Vocal toning can help to ease our fears, and the sensation of pain and discomfort during labor. By openly making low vibratory sounds during contractions, you are more able to release and let go of fear and pain. Fear and pain can cause anxiety and stress during labor, effecting our pelvic region and the dilation of the cervix, and can potentially slow down the progress of labor. Vocal toning during labor leaves no room for self doubt, anxiety or fear as you focus on the sounds, and move more deeply within yourself.
Relaxation... Vocal toning releases sound vibrations throughout the body. Sound Therapy is commonly used as an alternative healing process which effects the body on a cellular level. It relaxes the muscles by releasing tension from the body, improving circulation and maximizing energy flow within the body. The relaxation that sound brings allows the cervix to open more freely and the baby to descend with ease.
What are the benefits of using a crystal singing bowl during birth?
​Presence... The presence of the crystal singing bowl alone naturally creates a very peaceful and zen-like space. While the crystal singing bowl is amazing in any birthing space, I have personally found it to be most helpful in a hospital setting because it easily filters out other sounds such as doors opening and closing, the beeping of machines, staff talking amongst themselves and other close by birthing parents.
Sound... The sound of the crystal singing bowl starts at the beginning of each of contraction, and allows the birthing person to focus on the sound of the bowl and their voice instead of focusing on any pain or discomfort they might otherwise be focusing on.
Partner support... Sometimes, partners are unsure of what they can do to help during the laboring person's contractions. Bringing a crystal singing bowl into the birthing space allows for collaborative partner support and promotes a more enjoyable birth experience for both the birthing person and their partner.
Your baby's birth... Close your eyes, and ​imagine what it would be like for your baby to be born hearing the sounds of beeping machinery, doors opening and closing, hospital staff talking amongst themselves while simultaneously telling you to "PUSH", and you are hearing and feeling all of this energy while bringing your baby into this world. Now, imagine what it would be like for your baby to be born hearing the sounds of your calm & peaceful voice, and the magical sound of the crystal singing bowl as they take their first breath. Which birth scenario do you desire most for your baby?
I am not a good singer. Can I vocal tone? Is Birthing With Sound right for me?
Yes, you can absolutely vocal tone... and yes, Birthing With Sound is right for you if you want it to be! Vocal toning differs from singing or chanting, in that it has neither melody nor words. Vocal toning is not music, but it is one of the bare-boned, unadorned elements of music. Anyone can do it... even you!
How will I learn how to vocal tone and feel confident incorporating it into my birth plan?
Once you have decided that you want to incorporate Birthing With Sound into your birth plan, we will have two in-person visits to practice the breath work, vocal toning and practice playing your very own crystal singing bowl.
Where do I get a crystal singing bowl?
The crystal singing bowl of your choice is included in the Birthing With Sound service price! At our first in-person prenatal visit, I will bring two brand new crystal singing bowls with me, and together we will establish which of the two crystal singing bowls work best with your vocal capabilities. Once the bowl of your choice is established, the bowl will be left in your care at our 2nd visit (which typically takes place right around 38wks), until after your birth.